Thursday, August 31, 2017

Periods 1, 2, and 8:  Today we worked on the definitions for our 1-Vocab. Cards.  Make sure they are finished and bring them back to class with you next time.

Periods 4 and 6:  Today we practiced with our 1-Vocab. Cards and talked about the best ways to study them.  Remember to spend 5 minutes studying them each day.  You also received the Course Outline Handout for your Science Journal Notebooks.

Period 3:  No class today. :-{(>

A note about PowerSchool:
I usually update PowerSchool on a weekly basis.  This week we did not have any graded assignments so there is nothing to update yet.

REMINDER:  No School Monday - Happy Labor Day!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Periods 1 and 8:  Today we made the front sides of our 1-Vocab. Cards and their envelope.  Make sure they come back to class with you next time.  Also make sure you are bringing everything on the always list to class each day and that you have all of the items on the sometimes list in your locker.

Period 2:  No class today. :-{(>

Periods 3, 4, and 6:  Today we worked on the definitions for our 1-Vocab. Cards.  Make sure they are finished and bring them back to class next time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Period 8:  Today you were given your Science Journal Notebooks and we got them set up and ready to use.  Remember they are #2 on your list of things to always bring to science class.  Also remember to bring 15-20 3X5 Index cards and 1 envelope with you to class tomorrow.

Periods 2, 3, 4, and 6:  Today we made the front sides of our 1-Vocab. Cards and their envelope.  Make sure they come back to class with you next time.  Also make sure you are bringing everything on the always list to class each day and that you have all of the items on the sometimes list in your locker.

Period 1:  No class today. :-{(>

Monday, August 28, 2017

Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6:  Today you were given your Science Journal Notebooks and we got them set up and ready to use.  Remember they are #2 on our list of things to always bring to science class.  Also remember to bring 15-20 3X5 Index Cards in an envelope to class next time.

Period 8:  No class today - see you tomorrow.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Periods 6 and 8:  Today we made a list of things to always bring to science class and a list of things to sometimes bring to science class.  Your assignment is to make sure you have everything on both lists in class with you next Monday (Tuesday for Period 8).


Thursday, August 24, 2017


Periods 1, 2, 3, and 4:  Today we made a list of things to always bring to science class and a list of things to sometimes bring to science class.  Your assignment is to make sure you have everything on both lists with you on Monday.  Remember I will be providing you with your science journal notebook.

Periods 6 and 8:  No class today - See you tomorrow!